Friday, December 05, 2008

Why do all the good ones have to die?

Let me start off with this... I love Stargate: Atlantis. I started watching it during season 3 and fell in love with it's great plots and characters. I also like Stargate: SG1, I mean, it was the original show and Jack O'Neill is one of the greatest characters ever created but I started off with SGA so I can't help but say I like it better. Anyways, SGA is being cancelled this season before it can fully develop it's plot and characters. There will either have to be a lot of stuff crammed into the remaining episodes or a lot of plot lines will have to be abandoned. Either way, it sucks. There's petitions and stuff to try and save it but I doubt anything will change it's fate.

Any fan of the series Firefly knows how horrible it is when a great plot and characters are suddenly left behind and fans left to yearn for more. Anyone who is a fan of sci-fi, and hasn't already, should definitely check out both Stargate series. Who knows, if SGA starts to get really good ratings maybe MGM will change their minds.

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