Saturday, December 20, 2008

Fallout Movie

I've been hearing rumours online that there is a movie in production based on the Fallout series of video games. I really have absolutely no idea if it is true, but if I found out it was I don't think I would be able to contain my excitement. If it ends up being true I have to remember to not keep my hopes up, video game based movies are rarely good. If they could actually pull this off though, that would mean sticking with the series' quirky dark humour, it would be one of the most amazing movies of this decade, in my opinion at least.


  1. Regarding movies, when I asked you for movie advise you said that you don't do movies just TV shows. yet here on your site you have your "top ten favorite movies". whats up with that. is this your alter ego?

  2. Well I don't talk about movies. I don't regard myself as being knowledgeable in the field of movie reviewing.

  3. I also just like TV shows a lot more


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