Monday, January 05, 2009

Oh my ___ *insert preferred god, deity, higher power, or object of worship here*!

I just heard on the news that Michael Newdow, the same man who tried to get the word "under God" removed from the Pledge of Allegiance is at it again. He is now trying to have the words "so help me God" removed from the inaugural address. OK... you've made your point. You don't believe in a god and you don't want any reference to God, or god, or gods, or whatever, in anything that represents the whole of the U.S.A. It makes sense, sort of, if you think of it that way. But really, is it necessary? And isn't there anything else more important and worth your time and effort? Of all the problems in the world (even though I don't consider this a problem) this is really what you want to focus on? It seems like it would be beneficial to everyone if we focus on the less controversial, more important problems first before worrying and bickering about lesser issues.

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